Saturday 16 June 2012

Retailia! Retailia! How Do I Love Thee... which Zombie Kitty Kawaii! (Mark2) gets a visit from some dear old friends and becomes part of an art and ZKK's interpreter by HRH* Martha I:
(*Her Retalian Highness)

"Dean came to Retailia on Thursday to visit and we ate out in a typical Retailian restaurant. I got worried when Dean put pepper and salt on my head."

"I was right to be worried, he tried to eat me!"

"The next day, I helped with Mail Art making. Licking stamps and sticking them in envelopes."

"Meanwhile, to keep him out of trouble, we gave Dean a pair of scissors, a glue stick and the rubbish bin full of discarded bits and pieces. He was happy for hours…and I was safe!"

"On Saturday, we went to a big art gallery. It was odd; it didn’t have wheels. It was a cold day, so I traveled in the Shopping Bag Gallery. This is me by the river."

"There was a statue of a zombie human. They like us zombies here."

" In the gallery, I became part of an installation. My five minutes of fame!"

"Then I met Andy Geezer, a very nice chap; he laughed at all my jokes."

"It was all great fun but very tiring, I shall take it easier now and enjoy the holiday."

-Big thppts from ZKK

Ye gawds Kitty Kawaii! I certainly am envious of such a great adventure! It's not every day that one gets to hang out with both the Marquis de Bananas and the King of the "Real Wall"!  You certainly are lucky to have HRH Martha I as your guide in Retailia. In fact, I think I may book my next holiday there, when I can escape this cell, I mean, get away from Etobicoke. 
Until then, Happy Trails to all of you!

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